On the Wings of an Angel; The Faerie’s Story.

You will not believe in Faeries, very few people do. If you think that I do, you would be right. Am I right in the head? Maybe, but then, I have probably never been regarded as ‘normal’. So, what evidence will I put forward? Let me say first that Faery has featured for millennia in our language and sociology.
The word Faer, or Fae, though not recognised now (there is a modern phonetic alphabet called Faer, which, to me, looks Faery. No one has ever seen Faery language written) nevertheless is a basis for other words. Some background first: Faeries, or fairies, are non human ‘look alike’s’ that are popularly thought to exist in a different, but accessible, reality. Not in the imagination. Faeries have one distinguishing feature: their glowing aura, shallow and not overwhelming in any way. They are humanoid and immortal, may be much smaller than us, or larger. As we humans consider ourselves top of the evolutionary tree, so it is with Faeries, with The Elfin race an ancient relative. Both are discrete, living apart and only just acknowledging of the others existence. Bellow them, in the evolutionary tree on their ‘world’ are the Goblins and other nefarious creatures.
Faeries are found in many cultures, the world over. Fair Isle, and the Faroe Islands, I would speculate, were named by North Men in their honour. I should say, named not by popular choice, but through fear. Faeries have the power to grant us mortals what we desire, good or bad. Faeries don’t judge. If that desire fails to please because of our greed or ambitions, the Faery would be cursed by man. These ‘wronged’ humans corrupted their name. Faer became Fear, for that would be the advice of the ‘wronged’.
In places they were still revered; to be called Faer, or Fair, of face, as in Monday’s child, was, of course, a compliment. You would have a golden aura about you, and probably Fair hair. A Fair is a meeting of country and town’s people to share, buy or barter goods. Food would be called Fayre. But not only that, there would be occasion to celebrate too. Contemporary Fairs have Fairground ‘rides’. So, where’s the connection with the Faer. Well, for me, having Faeries nearby (they travel from one reality through a Vail, or curtain of energy unknown, to the other) would be seen by many as a blessing. Faeries had the power to ensure good crops, and thought by some to Be gods.
Faeries are still revered today by some. Pixies, Leprechauns, Banshee,Gnomes and Sylphs are all Faeries from different cultures.
Is it possible that the Fae have intertwined with some of our history, showing us the way? Well, I have to say yes. One of our most enigmatic Kings, Arthur, or Art’ur as I will call him, so impressed the Fae, they became part of the family. Not out of compassion, but out of self interest. The Fae desired a continued association with humans, a sort of symbiosis. And the At’urian peoples had a folk lore that could not be separated from the influence of the Fae. They worked well together, after the huge changes enforced on them by the Romans. This new era brought together the remains of several Celtic Nations from Abion, Caledonia and Hibernia. Lord, or King in modern parlance, Art’ur was responsible for uniting these great Nations, not for personal power (the Fae made sure of that by Art’ur’s supposed death) but for the future and good of his people (and the Fae).
Uth’ur Pendragon and Igrain, Art’ur’s parents were manipulated by Mer’Lyn, a half Fae ( like asses, half breeds are infertile). Mer’Lyn’s father was said to be a demon, but he just fell out of favour by jealous humans. Being of the Fae, Mer’Lyn is immortal, connected to the Fae home ‘world’. Igrain’s first husband, Duke Gorlois, was slain by Uth’ur in an unearthly passion of love for her, engineered by Mer’Lyn. Art’ur had a half sister, Morgan La Fae, she of the Fae face. Uth’ur sired Morgan by a Fae Queen, Lilith, who too was sent by Mer’Lyn. Mordred was Art’ur’s dreadfull brother, who wished the Kingdom for himself, plotting remorselessly until fate gave him his chance to slaughter his brother. But the outcome was not what Mordred expected. He expected to surprise Art’ur at Cad Camlan after Art’ur’s expeditionary force returned from France. But Morgan had the gift of second sight, foresaw the coming battle and sent Art’ur a dream of his betrayal at the hand of his younger brother. In the end Art’ur dealt a deathly blow, Mordred able to wound in retaliation, and the battle ended. Mordred was forgotten, but Art’ur was claimed by the Fae and lived the rest of his life in the company of Faeries. Mer’Lyn was thought to be trapped in the Crystal Cave of his birth, but, like Art’ur, student and mentor, both live to this day.
So, am I right in the head? I’ll leave you to decide.
Before I go, I’d like to thank three authors who have influenced my beliefs in God, or the Light of Love, or the One, which ever you chose.They are all one and the same. Carl Bozeman, http://www.spiritual-intuition.com/ . James Wilhelm, http://jamescwilhelm.com/ . Lorna Byrne, http://www.lornabyrne.com/ . I have read all of Lorna’s books, but to my shame, not James’ and Carl’s, yet.
Coming up: the last part of On the Wings of Angels, Of Daemon’s and Men; and Hen’s Teeth and the Ducks That Run You Ragged.

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